Ruby gemstone is represented by planet Sun. Ruby is the gemstone of love. As per traditional astrology - ruby generates liveliness and induces spark in human nature. It casts away gloom and brings in liveliness of character. It is believed that gemstone Ruby is effective in safeguarding a person from evil spirits. The gemstone enhances financial stability and improves one’s recognition in the society.
Ruby Stone belongs to the category of the costly gemstones. Wearer of the unblemished ruby enjoys wealth and property and is blessed with children. He becomes fearless, and is protected from afflictions, sorrow and disasters. He becomes virile and his will power and spirit is strengthened. He occupies a respected position in the society. Red gem stone is very helpful and fruitful for those people who sun sign are Leo and those people who were born on the day 1, 10, 19, 28 of any month. Apart from that if your birthday comes on during the period from 17 August to 16 September or in the month of January or July should wear ruby. Manik (ruby) is the stone 
who represent to sum (surya).If the position of the Sun is weak in the horoscope and you are facing health problems like hypertension, lung diseases, back-bone, diabetes, piles, cholera, jaundice and so on, but you want rid of these problems as well as improve your personality then you should wear ruby gemstone. Moreover Ruby stone plays dominating role in many career paths like politician, bueaurecats , actors, jewelers, engineers , dealers of cotton, cloth, and flowers. In short we can say that ruby gemstone gives prosperity, wealth, comfort, luxury, power, name and fame. It cures and protects various long suffering problems; wearing ruby stones eradicate your poverty.
Benefits of Ruby Gemstone according to Vedic Asrology

Ruby represents Sun, therefore, it can be worn to get auspicious results of Sun. Some of the results of Sun include the happiness of father, physical strength, strong position in politics, promotion, electricity, discipline, dedication etc. If you wear this gemstone in an auspicious Muhurta, you may get the results mentioned above. It is also beneficial for a person to wear Ruby if he wants strength to fight against diseases. If you are not getting the support of your colleagues at work, you can wear this gemstone to get favorable results.
Properties of Ruby Gemstone
Ruby is a precious stone and expensive than diamond. The Ruby does not tarnish even if you wear it for a long time. But keep it away from fire and high temperature, otherwise it may explode or crack or its shine may get reduced.
Effects of Ruby Gemstone on Health according to Vedic Asrology
In specific circumstances, Ruby is worn to increase the hemoglobin. Those who are physically weak should wear Ruby. The positive influence of Ruby helps reduce the gastric problems, stomach diseases and tuberculosis. Ruby is also worn for good health and physical strength. Special Powers of Ruby Gemstone according to Vedic Asrology Ruby also reduces negative thoughts of a person. There is a misconception about Ruby that if the person is facing problems or the stone is not suitable for him, the color of the stone gets changed. Ruby improves the economic status of the person and its positive influence also increases the faith of the person in spirituality.
Who should Wear Ruby Gemstone according to Vedic Asrology:
Ruby is the stone of Sun. So when Sun is inauspicious in the birth chart, the person should wear Ruby to reduce his problems. Apart from this, it is also beneficial to wear the gemstone during the Mahadasha of Sun.
Wearing this stone confers one with wealth and prosperity. It derives name, reputation, growth, and success for those involved in active politics. One also gets bestowed with the pleasure of having a son. It also fulfills one’s desire of attaining a higher office. Those who find themselves to be in any sort of materialistic dearth including shortage of wealth should have this stone. It is also believed as an effective source of fame and healthiness for creative people. One never holds any sort of irrational fear, sufferings, distress, and adversities when one have this stone in possession. It also augments one’s determination and strengthens one’s luck in favor.Other than those stated above, this stone also holds healing properties to cure ailments of high fever, typhoid, quarrelsome nature, sorrowfulness, sun stroke, sun burn, and nervous system disorders.
Ruby can be worn in the following circumstances:
If Sun is inauspicious in the Ascendant of the person's birth chart, he should wear Ruby to protect himself from health diseases. If Sun is in the fifth house, the person may face problems due to his elder child. In that situation, you can wear this stone to reduce such problems.
If Sun is in third house in the birth chart, the person may get problems related to his younger siblings. In this Yoga, Sun may aspect the ninth house from the third house which may affect his luck and he may not get the support of his luck. When Sun is in second house of the birth chart and is influenced by the malefic planets, he 
may suffer from problems related to eyes. The person should take care of his eyes. His eye sight may become weak during the Mahadasha of Sun. Therefore, the person should wear Ruby in the beginning period of Sun to protect himself from such negative effects.
If Sun is in eighth house and is influenced by the malefic planets in the birth chart, the person should wear Ruby in the beginning period of Sun. The Sun of eighth house affects the longevity of the person and may also lead to the conflicts in the family.
If Sun is the lord of sixth house, the person should wear Ruby during the Mahadasha or Antardasha of Vimshottari dasha of Sun. This may have a positive influence on the person and he will be protected from the health problems due to Sun.
According to numerology ruby gemstone is associated with number 1, so if you are born on 1 then this might be the stone for you. People born on 9th, 19th and 28th of any month comes under 1. It is for good luck and to get success through your efforts. It also gives power to earn.
Flaws of Ruby:
Following are the blemishes that may be found in a Ruby Stone:
1. Ruby Stone may be silky.
2. Ruby Stone may be dull, that is devoid of brilliance and luster.
3. Ruby Stone may display an ambiguity of colors.
4. Ruby gemstone may be brittle or with cracks.
5. Ruby stone there may be lack of water in it.
6. There may be some cracks in the texture of Ruby Stone.
7. The Ruby Stone may be smoky.
8. The Ruby Stone may be dirty or filthy.
9. Ruby gemstone may have some on its surface.
Gemstone Wearing Instruction:
Please follow following steps for wearing any gemstone -
Choose Sunday for wearing Ruby for Sun.
Wash Gemstone with unboiled cow milk and also gangajal, if available.
Put the gemstone in front of your god.
Worship gemstone in the way you worship a god. You should chant mantra given above (mantra must be chanted 108 times)
Wear in the finger prescribed above.
When a Ruby Should Be Worn?
Ruby is usually worn between 8 am to 10 am on the Sunday in ring finger of right hand.
Effects of ruby on each zodiac signs
Usually Libra, Capricorn, Gemini, Virgo are not advised to wear ruby. Other zodiac signs such as Aries, Taurus and Cancer are sometimes advised to wear ruby for their professional and personal benefits. For a cancer, this gem could bring prosperity as well as cure health problems, specifically of eye. Leos should wear ruby if they want to avoid the sun being in the fifth house. Zodiac for whom this gem is very helpful is Scorpio and Sagittarius. Piscean and Aquarius can only wear this in specific condition and an astrologer would be the best person to determine who should and who should not.
Ruby Gemstones or Manik for Aries
The Lord of Ruby, Sun shares an pleasing relationship with the planet Mars of Aries ascendant besides which it rules over the 5th house of the horoscope chart here which keeps the relation positive in between. These natives would be blessed with intellect & intelligence besides which they will receive a spiritual & philosophical blend taking them towards great heights.
Ruby Gemstones or Manik for Taurus
The Lord of Ruby gemstone, Sun doesn’t shares a pleasant relation with the Venus of Taurus ascendants besides which Sun rules over the 4th house here which altogether results in an average relationship in between for which in general, Ruby won’t be beneficial for Taurus ascendants or they should only wear it in the Major period of Sun. Besides this, if Sun would get placed over the 4th or 10th house then wearing Ruby would bestow success with peace & prosperity in life.
Ruby Gemstones or Manik for Gemini
The Lord of Ruby gemstone, Sun shares a pleasing relationship with the planet Mercury of Gemini besides which it rules over the 3rd house as developing an average relation in between. For this, Ruby doesn’t appears to be much useful to the Gemini natives unless the planet Sun gets placed over the 3rd house in the horoscope chart. Ruby will also be beneficial in the major period of Sun as it will bring admirable growth to the natives.
Ruby Gemstones or Manik for Cancer
The Lord of Ruby gemstone, Sun shares a pleasing relation with the Moon of Cancer ascendant besides which it rules over the 2nd house of Cancer ascendant which altogether develops a pleasing relationship in between for which these natives will be truly benefited from the adoption of Ruby gemstone besides which it will also solve the problems related to finances and eyes. This Gem would be more positive if worn along with the gem of Cancer that is Pearl and would bring highest results in the major & sub periods of Sun.
Ruby Gemstones or Manik for Leo
The Lord of Ruby gem, Sun is also the ruler of Leo Ascendants which keeps this combination positive and makes it almost necessary for Leo ascendants to adopt Ruby gemstone. It will improve the ill-placement of Sun and would strengthen its position. Ruby will defend the Leo ascendants from enemies and bad health and would keep them strong from inside as leading them towards a good & long life. It will also provide a spiritual blend.
Ruby Gemstones or Manik for Virgo
The Lord of Ruby gemstone, Sun and Mercury of Virgo ascendants shares an average relationship in between besides which it rules over the 12th house of this ascendant as developing a not very much pleasing relation in between. For this, it is not advisable to adopt Ruby gemstone for Virgo ascendants. Besides this, if Ruby becomes necessary then, it should only be worn in the major period of Sun and that also along with the Emerald gemstone.
Ruby Gemstones or Manik for Libra
The Lord of Ruby gemstone, Sun shares an inimical relationship with the planet Venus of Libra besides which here it rules over the 11th house of Libra ascendants as developing an average relation in between. These natives should wear Ruby if they would confront loss of wealth or ill impacts of Sun while wearing Ruby if Sun would get placed over its own house would be highly beneficial for Libra ascendants as it will bring them great affluence & fortune. Ruby will bring good health and longevity and special results in the major & minor period of Sun.
Ruby Gemstones or Manik for Scorpio
The Lord of Ruby gems, Sun shares a pleasing relation with the planet Mars of Scorpio ascendants besides which it rules over the 10th house of this placement as developing a pleasing relation in between. For this, adoption of Ruby would bestow success with honor and wealth besides which he would stand potent and powerful. Besides this, if Sun would get placed over the 10th house then Ruby will bring raja yoga along with super most gains. These natives should wear Ruby if they would confront hurdles & obstacles in their professional path. This will bring higher impacts during the major & sub period of Sun.
Ruby Gemstones or Manik for Sagittarius
The Lord of Ruby, Sun shares a pleasing relation with the Jupiter of Sagittarius besides which here it rules over the ninth house of Sagittarius ascendant which altogether develops a positive relation in between. The adoption of Ruby for Sagittarius natives would bring higher benefits and supreme benefits if Sun would get placed over its own house. This will provide longevity to the father of this native.
Ruby Gemstones or Manik for Capricorn
The Sun of Ruby shares a bitter relationship with the Saturn of Capricorn ascendants besides which it rules over the 8th house here which altogether develops a bitter relationship in between. For this, these natives should not wear Ruby gemstone as it won’t be beneficial for Capricorn natives. Besides this, if Sun would get placed over its own house then Ruby could be worn in the major period of Sun as it will bestow goodness & longevity then.
Ruby Gemstones or Manik for Aquarius
There is an inimical relationship in between the Sun of Ruby and Saturn of Aquarius besides which it rules over the 7th house of which altogether develops a bitter relation in between for which these people should stay away from Ruby gemstone. On the other hand, if Sun would get placed over its own house then, Ruby could be worn in the major period of Sun.
Ruby Gemstones or Manik for Pisces
The Lord of Ruby, Sun shares a pleasing relation with the Jupiter of Pisces besides which it rules over the 6th house of Pisces ascendant which develops an inauspicious placement leading towards a not very much positive picture of this combination. Besides this, if Sun would get placed over its own house then Ruby would bring good benefits in the major period of Sun.
Ruby is a gemstone that must be carefully scrutinized before choosing it for healing purposes. The classic stone is usually a deep, brilliant red but can be found in shaded of pink or lavender. Rubies are found in the United States, India, and Sri Lanka. Ruby can bring anger or negativity to the surface quickly. However, Ruby can also amplify positive energy, heightening whatever purity you already possess. Rubies benefit the heart and circulatory system, and can assist in the filtration and detoxification of the body. Rubies are also good for the eyes.
Helpful in Diseases:
It will help to cure peptic ulcer, fever, rheumatism, gout, boils, itch and insomnia. Ruby in combination with other stones helps to cure heart diseases.
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