Serpentine Gemstone:

A Stone Of Earth Energy and Kundalini Activation
Kundalini Rising Stone:

The name Serpentine refers to a group of predominantly green minerals that occur in masses of small intergrown crystals. 

Some say this stone earned it’s name from the word “serpent” as it’s coloring resembles the skin of a snake.

It was in the 19th century that people became aware of the fire resistant nature of serpentine, as a result is was utilized in many materials and fabrics.

According to legend, Romans used this stone as protection against sorcery and the dark arts. 

Vessels were made of serpentine, as they were said to shatter is they came into contact with poison.

Therefore many ancients began using serpentine to craft drinking vessels.

In the ancient civilizations of America, serpentine was considered as a guardian of vital energy as well as a protector of the soul against invisible powers.

In the Middle Ages, serpentine was used to house medicine as it was told to increase the healing powers of the medicine and to make it last longer.

Scientific Gemstone Properties:

Mohs Hardness of 2.5-5.5 with a monoclinic crystal structure
Most Serpentine stones are opaque to translucent, with a hardness rating ranging from 2.5 to 5.5. Antigorite tends to be the harder variety. 

Serpentine is fairly light, with a density of 2.44 to 2.62, slightly lower than quartz. Luster ranges from greasy to waxy to silky. 

Serpentine is known to be susceptible to acids.

Two basic structures for serpentine are usually distinguished — antigorite (leafy serpentine) and chrysotile (fibrous serpentine). 

The chrysotile minerals are more likely to form serpentine asbestos, while antigorite forms cryptocrystalline masses sometimes with a lamellar or micaceous character.

Since asbestos fibers are a health hazard only the antigorite form is used for gemstones or carvings.

Serpentine, Bowenite (translucent green or blue-green) and Williamsite (translucent green, veined with inclusions) is found in Southwest Africa, China India the USA and Italy.

Metaphysical Gemstone Properties:

This stone is an exceptional meditation stone, it will assist one in finding inner peace, as well as clearing the mind to become closer with oneself, but it should be reinforced with Jade or Chrysoprase to temper the energy. 

Serpentine stone often contains Black Magnetite or Lodestone within it which is a magnetic mineral.

Natural Serpentine with this inclusion look quite different to the normal green stones.

In ancient Assyria, it is told that this stone was carried to request of the gods and goddess to provide blessings. 

Using Serpentine, Elemental Beings may be more encourage to make contact; especially in regards to the angelic realm. 

Placing a piece of Serpentine in one’s garden may assist in keeping the garden healthy as well as attracting fairies to the garden. 

Serpentine may aid one to access the Earth Energy of the planet.

Healing Gemstone Properties:

Serpentine has been used for treating a wide range of disorders. 

It is beneficial for cardiac irregularities, stomach and bowel issues, kidney disorders, and menstrual problems.

It can be worn or placed directly on the skin to help women with menstrual issues, such as pain and cramps, it is also said to help regulate the milk flow when one is lactating, as well as assisting women who are unable to reach orgasm due to tension. 

It will even out the moods and calm the wearer when in stressful or hectic situations.

It is an excellent stone for cellular regeneration and to assist with healing problems within the heart and lungs. 

It may also aid healing of diabetes as well as eliminate parasites, and assisting it’s wearer to better absorb both magnesium and calcium.

Magical Gemstone Properties:

Energy: Projective
Element: Fire
Planet: Saturn
Candle Color: Brown
In ancient civilizations, Serpentine was often used as a talisman, said to protect one against demonic powers as well as to protect against snake bites, poison, and negative magic spells.

In China and India it is quite often incorporated into altars, carvings temple decorations, as it is seen as a protective stone that will bring peace.

Serpentine is an ancient stone and it resonates within those ancient reptilian areas of the brain. 

It will aid you to rewire your brain… and it may aid you to let go of any aggression you might be feeling. 

Combine it with Seraphinite for this use, as it is an excellent combination.

Zodiac Gemstone Properties:

Zodiac Stone of: Gemini
Associations: Saturn
Birthstone: Not a Birthstone for any month

Chakra Gemstone Properties:

Serpentine is particularly powerful for use on the 4th Chakra, clearing and blocked chakras and stimulating stagnant energy as well as the Kundalini energy.



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